Blog Archives

Blogging, the Struggle is Real. 

Six months. It has almost been six months since I posted my last blog on BoilermakerAg! How did that happen?

As a blogger, I am ashamed that I’ve been quiet for this long. “One blog a month isn’t hard,” I tell myself. But then somehow time just slips by.

On the flip side of that, I’ve had a ridiculous amount of things going on lately. I’ve been working a lot more hours than normal, traveling a lot for work and family, my sister got married, other friends have gotten married and numerous other events like 4-H fairs, birthday parties, and baptisms. So when I get free time from everything, I just feel like I need a break, ya know?

But then I go back to…”all of your other blogger friends are just as busy as you, if not more, and they somehow still find time to blog. Get yourself together, Chels.”

Sometimes it gets to that point where I have so many ideas for blog posts, but can’t decide where to start. I debate back and forth and then end up wasting the time I had to start one.

Or I get good old fashioned writer’s block and can’t start one at all.


Does anyone else get like this?

As I was listening to a radio program the other night, someone said, “you have to make writing a discipline.”

And it hit me like a ton of bricks…I have failed to do that lately. I’ve only been blogging when I get inspired and have time. (Which isn’t very often on the time part.) Or when a deadline is due at work.

So I decided this morning that I would just start writing. Even if the writing is just about my struggle to write. It’s at least something.

As this year continues, I want to be able to blog more, but I also don’t want to end up more stressed trying to make it happen as I’m dealing with enough at the moment. But I do want to continue to share the message of agriculture, great recipes, and other topics with you.

Maybe this is a bunch of rambling you don’t care to read, but you all have been loyal to read my posts and I don’t want to leave you in the dark or let you down.

So I’m going to try a little experiment. Here are several things that I’ve been doing this summer, and I’m going to let you vote on which ones I write about. Will you help me do that? Having a little direction might help me get back in the swing of things.

1. Food  Ranch Chicken Bake

Parsley Pasta Alfredo

Pickled Cucumber Tomato Salad

  Cannoli Dip

 Chicken Salad

2. Planning my sister’s bridal shower!

3. 4-H Judging

4. Anniversary Trip to Gatlinburg, TN


5. Year of the Farmer at the Indiana State Fair

6. Spreading the word of agriculture through Why I Farm and The Henningsens

See my struggle with where to start? There’s so much to choose from!

Help me out by sharing your vote in the comments. Or if you have any other topics you’d like me to cover, feel free to leave your ideas.

I look forward to your votes!

– Chelsea